Scientific Research Corporation_PHL_093021_Final

Plan Cost Analysis (continued) Scientific Research Corporation 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan As of September 30, 2021

*For illustrative purposes, the table shows recordkeeping services fees and investment expenses expressed in three different ways: per participant, as a percentage of plan assets, and in total dollars for the plan. The "Estimated Annual Administrative Fees from Investments" is the amount of administrative fees generated by investments that are estimated to be received and retained by T. Rowe Price Retirement Plan Services, Inc. ("TRP RPS") for the provision of recordkeeping, administrative, and shareholder services on behalf of the investments. The "Estimated Annual Revenue Requirement" is the "Contractual Annual Recordkeeping Fee" expressed in total dollars, as a dollar rate per participant and in basis points. The "Estimated Overage (Estimated Shortfall)" is the difference between the Estimated Annual Administrative Fees from Investments and the Estimated Annual Revenue Requirement. An overage will be credited to an administrative budget for the plan. A shortfall must be covered by the plan or the plan sponsor. The "Contractual Annual Recordkeeping Fee" is the amount of revenue that TRP RPS may retain from the Estimated Annual Administrative Fees from Investments. Please refer to your recordkeeping agreement and disclosure documents for more detail on additional fees, if any, and compensation to be received by TRP RPS. ¹Each investment's annualized expense ratio is based on the investment’s most recent fiscal year-end data available to TRP RPS. For the purpose of this summary document, the expense ratio may include one or more of the following: management fees, operating costs, administrative fees, and trustee fees, as applicable. The net expense ratio may not reflect certain waivers or expenses, e.g., voluntary management fee waivers, which may reduce or increase the net expense ratio shown. For T. Rowe Price-sponsored mutual funds (“Price Funds”), contractual waivers are reflected in the net expense ratio. Please read disclosure documents, such as a prospectus, for more information about an investment’s expenses. The source of the expense ratio for non- proprietary mutual fund investments is Lipper Data Feed Services. The expense ratio for other non-proprietary investments may be reported to TRP RPS through a third party commercial database or by the sponsor or manager of the investment. ³Administrative Fees total is the weighted average of administrative fees for each investment shown. Administrative fees for each investment do not increase the reported total expense ratio of the investment. For certain investments, TRP RPS receives payments for the provision of shareholder recordkeeping and administrative services. Depending on the investment, such payments, which may include shareholder servicing fees, sub-transfer agency fees, and distribution or Rule 12b-1 fees, may be paid by the investment, investment manager, its advisor or affiliates. ²Investment Expense Ratio total is the weighted average of expense ratios for each investment shown. The "Estimated Annual Investment Expense" is the estimated total annual operating expenses of plan investments.

# Plan Participants w/ Balance = 1,808

Amount Per Participant

Percentage of Plan Assets

Total Plan ($)

Recordkeeping Services Fees and Investment Expense*

Estimated Annual Administrative Fees from Investments (-) Estimated Annual Revenue Requirement


0.1504% $318,000 0.0419% $88,592 0.1085% $229,408 0.4920% $1,040,054 0.1085% $229,408 0.3835% $810,646


Estimated Overage


Estimated Annual Investment Expense

$575 $127 $448

(-) Estimated Overage


Pricing structure for recordkeeping services Contractual Annual Recordkeeping Fee


Transaction Fee Description Distribution Fee Loan Origination Fee Loan Maintenance Service Fee Express Delivery Fee Wire Fee QDRO Split Fee

Fee Rate N/A $50 $25 $30 $30




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